Diferencia entre revisiones de «Translations:Comunicados/Sobre el cambio del nombre/6/en»

De Wikimedia Small Projects
(Página creada con «But the meeting was not only a requirement, but a clear advice as well: start with a language and keep growing. While our initial focus is Spanish, the long term goal to ex…»)
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Línea 1: Línea 1:
But the meeting was not only a requirement, but a clear advice as well: start with a language and keep growing. While our initial focus is Spanish, the long term goal to extend to other languages has been extended
But the meeting was not only a requirement, but clear advice as well: start with a language and keep growing. While our initial focus is Spanish, the long term goal to extend to other languages has been extended.

Revisión actual - 00:08 25 ene 2022

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Definición del mensaje (Comunicados/Sobre el cambio del nombre)
Pero la reunión no solo fue una exigencia; también fue un claro consejo: Inicien con un idioma y vayan creciendo. Mientras que nuestro enfoque inicial es el idioma español, se ha puesto que a largo plazo el enfoque se extienda a otros idiomas

But the meeting was not only a requirement, but clear advice as well: start with a language and keep growing. While our initial focus is Spanish, the long term goal to extend to other languages has been extended.