Diferencia entre revisiones de «Translations:Comunicados/Sobre el cambio del nombre/3/en»

De Wikimedia Small Projects
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As it is well known, on 27 June 2020 we requested recognition to the Affiliation Committee. During that times, there was skepticism towards the initiative and a longer than usual delay. During that time, the group has grown in members; people interested in the mission of the group, from different countries and that speak different languages
As it is well known, on 27 June 2020, we requested for recognition from the Affiliation Committee. During that time, there was skepticism towards the initiative and a longer than usual delay. Since then, the group has grown in members; people interested in the mission of the group, from different countries and that speak different languages

Revisión actual - 00:07 25 ene 2022

Información acerca del mensaje (contribuir)
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Definición del mensaje (Comunicados/Sobre el cambio del nombre)
Como es bien sabido, el 27 de junio del 2020 solicitamos el reconocimiento ante el Comité de Afiliaciones. Durante ese tiempo, hubo reservas en torno a la iniciativa y un retraso más largo que lo habitual. En ese tiempo, el grupo ha crecido en miembros, personas interesadas en la misión del grupo, de diferentes países y que hablan distintos idiomas

As it is well known, on 27 June 2020, we requested for recognition from the Affiliation Committee. During that time, there was skepticism towards the initiative and a longer than usual delay. Since then, the group has grown in members; people interested in the mission of the group, from different countries and that speak different languages