
De Wikimedia Small Projects

We invite the community to take over this wiki.

If you want to become and administrator on this wiki, you have to apply to the apply to the stewards after gaining agreement on Wikidata.

Regarding the accounts of the Wikidata development team, we have decided on the following rules:

  • Wikidata developers can have clearly marked staff accounts (in the form "Fullname (WMDE)"), and they will receive admin and bureaucrat rights
  • These staff accounts are used only for development, testing, spam-fighting, emergencies
  • The private accounts of staff members do not get admin and bureaucrat rights per default (and if they already did, they should be stripped). If staff members desire admin and bureacrat rights with theiir private accounts, those should be gained going through the processes developed by the community
  • Every staff member is free to use their private account in the way they see fit, obviously. Especially if they want to work on content in Wikidata, this is the account they should be using. not their staff account

Places for discussion

General discussion
