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Wikidata Basics
Learn the basics of Wikidata, how Wikidata works, how it is structured and the different parts of the structure.
This tour provides a beginner-friendly introduction to editing Wikidata. It covers "items", the basic units that represent knowledge in Wikidata, and will help you edit your first item.
This tour includes advanced editing on Wikidata and how to create statements for items. This tour is the second one in a series; please take the Items Tour first if you haven't already.
In this tour, you’ll learn how to add references to help more high quality data be added to Wikidata. A reference (or source) describes the origin of a statement in Wikidata.
These tours take you through different common activities you can do on Wikidata, we recommend if you're new to Wikidata that you do the basics tours first.